建广数科 建广数科 Version 12.0+e-20190424
Information about the 建广数科 instance of 建广数科, the Open Source ERP.
Installed Applications
- Odoo Customize(Debranding, My Odoo)
- Quick customize, debranding,reset data, debug. Language Switcher. Easy Delete data.reset account chart. odoo debrand, odoo debranding, customize my odoo.
- Website
- Enterprise website builder
- Invoicing
- Invoices & Payments
- Purchase
- Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
- Documents
- Document management
- Discuss
- Chat, mail gateway and private channels
- Open PDF Reports and PDF Attachments in Browser
- Open PDF Reports and PDF Attachments in Browser
- Web Export ListView XLS
- Dynamic Listview Export Button